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HPC Content - The good ship CCS resupplies - get your juice here!


'The good ship Windows CCS lays awaiting her orders - her tenders feeding her readying for engaging with her customers'


If you feel yourself doing something similar to the above and are in need of some 'resupply' then check out some the articles below which may be of interest!


HPC Grid-Computing White Paper: Integration between Platform LSF and Microsoft® Windows® Compute Cluster Server 2003                                                                 This paper explains the benefits of integrating Microsoft® Windows® Compute Cluster Server (CCS) 2003 with Platform Computing’s LSF™ grid-enabled solution, and describes the architecture and configuration of this integrated high-performance computing solution. The LSF-CCS Bridge was developed in partnership between Microsoft and Platform Computing, to provide a more flexible and integrated solution incorporating both technologies. The integrated LSF-CCS solution offers customers extended high-performance computing capabilities and allows IT professionals to allocate resources and schedule jobs in real time through a single management console, leveraging the performance and capacity of both cluster and data center environments. Read white paper

HPC Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Solution BriefVirtual engineering requires real-world high-performance computing: Windows Compute Cluster Server 2003 represents a breakthrough in bringing high-performance computing into the mainstream of CAE. FLUENT 6.3 running on the Windows CCS operating system yields excellent parallel scaling. Providing multiple choices of solver options, combined with outstanding support for highly scalable parallel processing on clusters, FLUENT delivers optimum solution efficiency and accuracy for a wide range of engineering problem solving .   This technology combination offers a cost-effective parallel processing solution for CFD analysis. FLUENT 6.3 users running simulations on Windows can exploit the larger memory address space provided by 64-bit systems to run more detailed FLUENT simulations . Read full brief

HPC Oil & Gas DatasheetImproving the Quality of Production Forecasting-Microsoft® Windows® Compute Cluster Server 2003 Powers MEPO History-Matching ToolsMEPO® (SPT software) is the first commercially available optimization tool that enables simulation engineers to generate a representative range of possible history-matches, and assess these based on quantitative measures of the match quality.MEPO® is optimized for HPC, and Microsoft Windows Compute Cluster Server (CCS) 2003 provides an easy to use, powerful, and low cost HPC solution for history match processing .  MEPO® running on Windows CCS enables you to achieve the processing power of a supercomputer, at a fraction of the cost, right from your desktop. Together, MEPO® and CCS create an easy to use, powerful, low cost HPC solution for HM processing and analysis.Read full datasheet

HPC Oil & Gas DatasheetReservoir Simulation Reaches New Heights: Microsoft® Windows® Compute Cluster Server 2003 enhances reservoir simulation. The combination of Windows Compute Cluster Server with ECLIPSE reservoir simulation software enables the enhanced detail of 3D modeling jobs, with high-performance computing speed. Such jobs no longer take days to process. Enabling this level of detail increases the accuracy of oil and gas production rate estimates giving you realistic simulation of the geology and the flow of fluids through the rock, the security of Active Directory integration, complete scalability of the cluster, and

high availability. Windows CCS and ECLIPSE software have the power to help you be more successful, faster, using HPC.Read full datasheet


Live HPC Webcast: Reducing the Complexity of HPC for Simulations - Microsoft® Windows® Compute Cluster Server 2003 Powers Multi-Field Product Simulation with LSTC’s LS-DYNA - May 30, 2007 * 11:00am PDTCalculating computationally intensive problems on a single CPU can take hours, days, or even weeks. Performing the same calculations in parallel by using cluster technology increases processing speed dramatically, and can save a project valuable turnaround time.  Join us for an informative discussion on how the LS-DYNA® suite and Microsoft Windows Compute Cluster Server 2003 accelerate calculation speed and reduce time to insight for a wide range of industries and applications. Learn how CCS provides a powerful platform for HPC, while LS-DYNA® provides a flexible simulation solution for finite element analysis. Find out how to receive a simple to use, cost-effective, and robust parallel processing solution for the simulation of product testing and design that would otherwise require large system and IT resources. Register today!


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Mike Pallot sat down with Travis Hatmaker, Worldwide SI Channel Development Lead and Bjorn Tromsdorf