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Free Champagne - build your Excel services on CCS demo and win!

So basically this is a white paper to show the following:

  • Make Excel services run quicker
  • Allow you to have more relevance and a new story in Financial Services, Life Sciences, Oil and Gas etc etc etc

The full official blarney can be read here:


This white paper describes how you can increase the computational power and reliability of Excel 2007 spreadsheets through the use of the Microsoft High Performance Computing platform composed of Microsoft Office Excel 2007, Microsoft® Windows® Compute Cluster Server 2003, and Excel Services, part of Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007. Specifically, the paper shows how an integrated solution built on this Microsoft platform enables performance and reliability scenarios in the Financial Services, Oil and Gas, and Life Sciences industries where spreadsheets are often used in to make business critical decisions.


I look forward to seeing your demos on Excel Services running on CCS - bottle of champagne to the best demo I see - criteria being:

  1. You have to build it
  2. You have to show it to me.. :-)

Now go forth and do amazing stuff!