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Don't wait for Search and BI to become the same product - Gartner comments...



It's an interesting report that looks at the BI and Search and how they will play together in the next year or so. The resume is:

  • Dont expect one to takeover from the other
  • BI and Search will work in tandem


  • Demand integration from BI and Search vendors
  • Don't implement BI and Search in isolation - they should be treated as part of an information access strategy
  • Search should be the way in which businesses find appropriate BI data pools

This article is a good synopsis of the typical structured versus unstructured data query discussion. In my mind it acknowledges that the market is changing that customers are tired of the huge BI projects and associated costs and that despite some of the misgivings of Enterprise Search it does deliver on 85% of user needs.

So what does this mean for a Microsoft partner;

  • Position Microsoft BI and Microsoft Enterprise Search together as compliments - one will give immediate gains whilst the other will as a medium term project satisfy the more experienced consumers of a given business
  • Skill up on the Microsoft offering through Quickstart and position yourself for the Search specialisation when released in July

All in all, great ways of combining immediate short term gain for a customer with Enterprise Search and a more medium term tailored structured analysis with BI.
