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Change your HPC environment to Windows and run 10% faster - Windows HPC debuts in the Top 25 fastest supercomputers in the world!!


Working on HPC at Microsoft we have not said that every day, however now it is time to restate the facts on software and what is really the fastest in the world! And don't believe me - check out the customer story below!

Kudos to Ryan Waite and the team:

The NCSA cluster is amazing. 1200 nodes, each with 8 cores, creating a 9600 core cluster. NCSA installed Beta 1 of Windows HPC Server 2008 and ran the benchmark. The results were outstanding: 68.5 teraflops and 77.7% efficiency. Using our beta software NCSA beat their November score by over 10%. This is the fastest Windows cluster to date. Check out the customer video and case study.

Get the full story here.