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Cloud Evening - An Invitation

UKAzureNet is relaunching under the new name of “Cloud Evening”. The first event is on Thursday 11th November at Skills Matter in London. The agenda looks like this:

6:00pm-6:30pm: Registration

6:30pm-7:30pm: Real world experience of a startup using Azure (by @RossDScott)

We've seen the demos, written the "Hello World" but is it really a good idea? This session will take you through the first 3 months of a new startup developing on the Azure platform.

- An introduction to the technical concepts (from a coding point of view)

- Cost driven development, a new way of thinking.

- Data storage, should I go with the easy option or change my relational mindset?

- What's it actually going to cost me?

- A few tips and tricks

7:30pm: Break for Beer & Pizza

8:00pm-9:00pm: PDC 2010 Round Up (by @MarkRendle)

Mark will give a round up of the Cloud announcements at this years PDC, plus a deep dive into some of the new capabilities of the Azure platform

There will of course be beer and pizza. If you’re interested in developments in cloud computing, take yourself along. You can register here.

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