다음을 통해 공유

New statement of direction: Microsoft Dynamics NAV

We have released an updated version of the Statement of Direction, which includes a brief history and strategic direction for Microsoft Dynamics NAV, along with more detailed information about plans for the next release. 

Use the document in your dialog with existing customers and closing prospective customer deals. You can also access the document, roadmap slide and recordings of Directions conference keynotes on PartnerSource and on CustomerSource 



Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 is now in the public Microsoft Azure Gallery

Another exciting announcement is Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 now in the public Azure Gallery enabling you to create stunning demo environments, showcasing Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 “in” Office 365 and “on” Microsoft Azure – using client of your choice – in less than 1 hour. 

Want to know more and find scripts, videos on how to set-up & demo, go to: https://aka.ms/DemoNAV


Microsoft Dynamics NAV Promotions FY15H2

We want to take this opportunity remind about the FY15H2 promotions to help you stimulate and accelerate FY15 Microsoft Dynamics NAV Customer Adds: ​ 


To learn more about these promotions and review available marketing resources, visit PartnerSource.

You should also check out other marketing materials for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 here: https://aka.ms/navmarketing

Remember to register and plan for upcoming events: