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Post Event Download Links: TechTalk: Microsoft and the Internet of Things

About the Event

Thursday, June 4, at HWZ in Zurich

The first part of this TechTalk will give you an introduction to the topic and show you what is real today and how enterprises will be able to use IoT to their advantages.

The second part will show you the Internet of Things (IoT) in action using technologies such as Windows Embedded, the .NET Micro Framework, and Azure to build intelligent IoT systems. You will see live demonstrations of IoT customer solutions, how to prototype and program your own IoT devices using Visual Studio and Windows running on a low voltage Intel Galileo board as well as Microsoft Azure Machine Learning in action.

In the third part, Michael Koster of Zühlke Engineering will share some of his experience in the field of IoT with a focus on Windows 10 as the next generation IoT platform.

Want to learn more on the subject?

Check out the following Microsoft Virtual Academy trainings:
