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#HowDoYouDoIt: 5 Green Apps for a Greener Tomorrow


Do you know that for every ton of paper recycled, you can save at least 17 trees and 7,000 gallons of water? Or that you can reduce carbon emissions by 400-700 pounds, simply by keeping your car tyres properly inflated?

Being environmentally friendly is not a new notion, yet it remains a key factor to ensuring that our world remains sustainable for generations to come. You can do your part, however small it may seem, to reduce your climate impact. Here are some great Windows apps to get you started on your journey on becoming a responsible citizen of the earth.



How do you breathe life to deserts and deforested areas while browsing the Internet? Simple: by using Ecosia. This search engine, supported by the World Wildlife Fund, donates at least 80 percent of its profits from ad revenue to forestry programmes. To date, it has planted more than three million trees around the world since its founding in 2009.




Reduce your home’s energy footprint with WattInspectorPro. This simple yet extremely handy calculator lets you project the amount of energy used by home appliances daily, monthly, and even annually. You also have the option to make side-by-side comparisons of your current appliance with a potential purchase to help you make a better, greener decision.




Garbage Collector

If you have children and want to get them started on recycling, look no further than Garbage Collector. The objective of this game is to separate recyclable waste and deposit it into the respective recycling bins. This not only helps the young ones identify recyclable items, it will also encourage a healthy habit of recycling by making it enjoyable.



Ecology World News

Ecology World News puts all your environment news at your fingertips. Like an RSS feed, this app curates from a breadth of sources to give you the latest ecology developments and updates. It even arranges news according to multiple categories—from SciTech Earth Daily to EcoWatch—so that you can easily access the news most important to you.



Commute Tracker

Keeping track of your commutes has never been easier. With Commute Tracker, you can gain a complete overview of your commute on any given day—with options ranging from walking and cycling to personal vehicles—and the distance travelled with it. This can help you limit the mileage of your private vehicle and meet your exercise goals in a bid to reduce your carbon footprint.

