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So how many blogs does Microsoft have?

fyiEverywhere you look these days it’s all about blogs.  Blogs here, blogs there, they’re all over the place.  So have you ever wondered how many different blogs Microsoft hosts? Let me tell, you don’t want to know.  Let’s just say it’s thousands and thousands.  So with all these blog sites how do you ever find what you’re looking for?  Well one way is via the Official Microsoft Team Blogs site itself.  Yes, that’s right, another blog, but this blog is different in that it serves to track the official product related blogs all in one place.  Currently it lists about 300 officially sanctioned, product and technology specific blogs so if you’re looking for something in particular you can probably find it here.  The blog also plans a weekly compilation that you may be interested in but I don’t want to steal all of their thunder.  For more information on what they have planned see the intro and link below:


The directory below contains a listing of the official Microsoft Team Blogs and essential web feeds organized by category. There are currently 237 blogs listed in the directory below - last updated 17th March 2009. You can download OPML files here:   Microsoft Team Blogs OPML Files

On BlogMS a summary will be published weekly (each Monday) and monthly providing you a single article with a listing of all the latest announcements. You can then browse through this article saving you valuable time and effort. When you identify articles of interest you will be able to click on the article link, and it will take you directly to the blog.

If you do specialize in certain products or technologies don't forget you can subscribe directly using RSS or bookmark your favorite sites. There are many more blogs published by Microsoft employees and communities which cannot all be listed here. A full directory of all Microsoft blogs can be found on the Microsoft Communities Website .

For further information about this site have a read of this page About BlogMS

To continue reading see Official Microsoft Team Blogs / Microsoft Blogs.

J.C. Hornbeck | Manageability Knowledge Engineer