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Accessibile technology & business improvement workshop (22 March)

Microsoft participates in the Business Taskforce for Accessible Technology to help ensure that the user experience of Microsoft software is as consistent and enriching as possible for users with a variety of disabilities (Visit Microsoft's enable site for more info). Microsoft's Chief Accessibility Officer, Rob Sinclair, is participating in an Accessible Technology and Business Improvement workshop that has been arranged by the Employers’ Forum on Disability (EFD) for Tuesday 22 March 22 at the Microsoft Customer Centre near Victoria, London.

This FREE workshop will provide practical help and advice on how to buy, commission and deliver accessible technology products and services for job applicants, employees and customers. This event is for business managers, procurement managers and accessibility champions from organisations in both the commercial and public sectors.

This accessibility workshop will:

  • Provide practical, business relevant guidance on how to ensure your IT systems include rather than exclude people with disabilities
  • Share case studies and examples of the policies, processes and know-how that make it easier for technology to liberate talent, productivity and customer satisfaction
  • Showcase examples of the ever growing potential of technology to enable everyone's contribution
  • Provide participants with business case 'ammunition' and practical guidance to ensure accessibility is part of all your technology purchasing decisions
  • Profile the groundbreaking work of the EFD's Business Taskforce on Accessible Technology

To apply for your free place at this Accessility Workshop from EFD and Microsoft please either email: events@efd.org.uk or call  Richard Loader on 020-7403-3020 (by 4 March 2011).