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Configure simultaneous ring, delegate-ringing and call-forwarding settings on behalf of a Lync Server 2010 user


Abstract: SEFAUtil (secondary extension feature activation) is a command-line tool that enables Microsoft Lync Server 2010 communications software administrators and helpdesk agents to configure delegate-ringing and call-forwarding settings on behalf of a Lync Server 2010 user. The tool also allows administrators to query the call-routing settings that are published for a particular user.

The SEFAUtil tool allows the administrator to enable/disable/modify call forwarding on behalf of the user. The administrator can specify the target (in the form of a SIP URI) or use a target that has already been published by the user. This tool also allows administrators to add or remove delegates on behalf of the user. The tool supports enabling or disabling simultaneous ringing, delayed ringing, or call forwarding to delegates.

This tool is built on Microsoft Unified Communications Managed API (UCMA) 3.0 and requires that administrators create a trusted application in the Central Management store for SEFAUtil.


SEFAUtil (secondary extension feature activation)enables Lync Server 2010 administrators and helpdesk agents to configure delegate-ringing and call-forwarding settings on behalf of a Lync Server user. This tool also allows administrators to query the call-routing settings that are published for a particular user.


The current version of SEFAUtil is only a command-line tool; there is no supporting graphical user interface. This tool is based on Microsoft Unified Communications Managed API (UCMA) 3.0. The features in this tool allow administrators and helpdesk agents to do the following:

· View all call routing settings for a user (includes call forwarding, delegation, team ringing, and simultaneous ringing)

· Enable/disable/modify call-forwarding setting (includes destination and no-answer timer)

· Enable/disable/modify call-forwarding immediate configurations

· Enable/disable/modify delegation settings

This tool has the following limitations:

· Cannot configure team ringing

· Cannot configure simultaneous ringing

· Supported only for users homed in a Lync Server pool

· Bulk-edit of call routing settings for several users is not supported


The current version of this tool provides output only in the Command Prompt window. For more information, see the “Examples” section later in this document.


Following are some of the key scenarios where this tool may be used:

· Bob is an executive and has been moved to Microsoft Office Communications Server telephony. He has delegation on his existing PBX system. As part of the move to Office Communications Server, the administrator is able to configure Bob’s routing to reflect his pre-existing delegation configuration.

· Alice is travelling and realizes that she is expecting an important call from one of her customers. However, she is in a hotel and has no access to a computer. She calls the helpdesk and requests that they forward to her mobile number all the calls made to her work number. The helpdesk personnel are able to do the configuration on her behalf.

· Joe’s calls to his work number are going to his mobile voicemail whenever he is at work; however, things appear to be working correctly in most other locations. The helpdesk technician is able to view Joe’s routing configuration and discovers that Joe has simultaneous ringing configured to his mobile phone. The technician asks Joe about the mobile coverage at his office and is able to determine that the simultaneous ringing rule is what is causing the calls to go to Joe’s mobile voicemail when his network coverage is poor.


The SEFAUtil tool can be run only on a computer that is a part of a Trusted Application Pool. UCMA 3.0 must be installed on that computer. To run the tool, a new Trusted Application with the sefautil application ID must be created on that pool.


Display Current Call Handling Settings

The following command displays the call handling for the user.

Note This example uses the /server switch to specify the Lync Server to connect to.

SEFAUtil.exe /server:lyncserver.contoso.com katarina@contoso.com


User Aor: sip:katarina@contoso.com

Display Name: Katarina Larsson

UM Enabled: True

Simulring enabled: False

User Ring time: 00:00:20

Call Forward No Answer to: voicemail

Set the Call Forward/No Answer Destination

This example sets the call forward/no answer destination and the ring delay. Here, the /server switch is not provided; SEFAUtil attempts to autodiscover the Lync Server.

SEFAUtil.exe /server:lyncserver.contoso.com sip:katarina@contoso.com /enablefwdnoanswer /callanswerwaittime:30 /setfwddestination:+1425555 0126@contoso.com;user=phone


User Aor: sip:katarina@contoso.com

Display Name: Katarina Larsson

UM Enabled: True

Simulring enabled: False

User Ring time: 00:00:30

Call Forward No Answer to: sip:+14255550126@contoso.com;user=phone

Enable Call Forwarding Immediately

This example immediately enables call-forwarding to another user.

SEFAUtil.exe sip:katarina@contoso.com /enablefwdimmediate /setfwddestination:anders@contoso.com


User Aor: sip:katarina@contoso.com

Display Name: Katarina Larsson

UM Enabled: True

Simulring enabled: False

Forward immediate to: sip:anders@contoso.com

Disable Call Forwarding Immediately

This example immediately disables call forwarding.

SEFAUtil.exe /server:lyncserver.contoso.com katarina@contoso.com /disablefwdimmediate


User Aor: sip:katarina@contoso.com

Display Name: Katarina Larsson

UM Enabled: True

Simulring enabled: False

User Ring time: 00:00:30

Call Forward No Answer to: voicemail

Add a User as a Delegate and Set Up Simultaneous Ringing of Delegates

This example adds a user as a delegate and sets up simultaneous ringing of delegates.

SEFAUtil.exe /server: lyncserver.contoso.com sip:katarina@contoso.com /adddelegate:joe@contoso.com /simulringdelegates


User Aor: sip:katarina@contoso.com

Display Name: Katarina Larsson

UM Enabled: True

Simultaneously Ringing Delegates: sip:joe@contoso.com

Change Simultaneous Ringing Rule

This example changes the simultaneous ringing rule that was set in the previous example to the delayed ringing rule.

SEFAUtil.exe /server: lyncserver.contoso.com sip:katarina@contoso.com /delayringdelegates:10


User Aor: sip:katarina@contoso.com

Display Name: Katarina Larsson

UM Enabled: True

Simulring enabled: False

Delay Ringing Delegates (delay:10 seconds): sip:joe@contoso.com

Remove the Delegate

This example removes the delegate.

Note When the last delegate is removed, delegate ringing is automatically disabled.

SEFAUtil.exe /server: lyncserver.contoso.com sip:katarina@contoso.com /removedelegate:joe@contoso.com


User Aor: sip:katarina@contoso.com

Display Name: Katarina Larsson

UM Enabled: True

Simulring enabled: False

User Ring time: 00:00:30

Call Forward No Answer to: voicemail

Add a Delegate and Set Up the Call-Forward to Delegates Rule

This example adds a delegate and sets up the call-forward to delegates rule.

SEFAUtil.exe /server:lyncserver.contoso.com sip:katarina@contoso.com /adddelegate:anders@contoso.com /fwdtodelegates


User Aor: sip:katarina@contoso.com

Display Name: Katarina Larsson

UM Enabled: True

Forwarding calls to Delegates: sip:anders@contoso.com


SEFAUtil addresses some of the core scenarios that surround secondary extension feature activation. SEFAUtil also allows administrators to monitor/view call-routing configuration and to modify some of the essential elements like call forward/no answer, call forward unconditional, and delegation.


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Is it really so, that this information cannot be found in any other ways? Using e.g. reporting server, or SQL statements? I'm not a fun of installing ResKit Tools on the production servers.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Can this tool be used to forward a common area phone number?  

  • Anonymous
    November 23, 2011
    Hey, is there a way to make sefautil change the settings for all users in one go? i.e. set call forwarding to one specific number after 30 seconds.

  • Anonymous
    March 23, 2012
    I have seen some strange behavior testing this tool. Using the removedelegate without specifying a SIP address causes the application to crash. using /removedelegates:sip:user@sipdomain doesn't do anything. it leaves the delegate untouched. We disabled forwarding using the /disablefwddelegates switch, but when we re-enable that user for delegation to another user, then the user turns up with two delegates, while it is impossible to specify two delegates using SEFAUtil.  

  • Anonymous
    May 02, 2012
    What rights are required in order to use SEFAUtil to change the settings on a Lync user?   We would like to delegate the ability to enable/disable call forwarding to the help desk, but there is no documentation about the rights needed to use the tool, and after a few tests it doesn't seem to work for members of the CSUserAdministrator/RTCUniversalUserAdmins groups.

  • Anonymous
    October 11, 2012
    I am not getting any output then again I dont have Visual Studio installed with UCMA 3.0 on this machine but no errors come back.  Do we really have to install UCMA 3.0 and the full blown version of Visual studio to get this to work, its annoying that Lync doesnt have this built into powershell!@

  • Anonymous
    December 20, 2012
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    May 17, 2013
    Can this tool be used to set the authorization to publish dialog-info's from Delegate?

  • Anonymous
    July 05, 2013
    I have the problem with /adddelegate, that the delegate gets added normally on the boss' side, but no changes happen on the delegate side and delegate features don't work, even after reconnecting to Lync. When adding the delegate manually from the boss' Lync Client, it works just fine. Anyone seen this before?