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Quickly get up to speed on how & why you should roll out Vista easily

We've just released a new TechCenter on Technet - www.microsoft.com/technet/springboard. This site is aimed at IT professionals and intended to help offer the right tools, processes and guidance to deploy Vista easily. There are monthly articles, links to all relevant collateral, and sharing of community best practices. It is all about helping remove the pain of desktop rollouts whilst ensuring the benefits of a well-managed desktop are achieved quickly.


In our MCS team, we have a lot of projects coming on board relating to Vista rollouts - as regular readers of this blog will have noticed from our recent articles. The above site is a great resource which pulls all the relevant information together in one place. These days the technology is pretty straightforward, but getting the right guidance is always a challenge. It is a resource we are using ourselves and it has got all the right content broken into one of each of the four key areas as per below:
