다음을 통해 공유

Get a projects Endpoints

C# Code:

CReplicationServer cssSvr = new CReplicationServerClass();cssSvr.Initialize(Environment.MachineName);CReplicationProject csPrj = (CReplicationProject)cssSvr.OpenProject("Test", CSS_PROJECT_CREATION.OPEN_EXISTING_PROJECT);object dummy = new object();dummy = 0;while ((int)dummy != -1){ object dummy2 = new object(); dummy2=0; string endpoint = (string)csPrj.EnumDestination(ref dummy); Console.WriteLine(endpoint);}

VBScript Code:

Option Explicit On Error Resume Nextdim ReplServerset ReplServer = CreateObject("CssApi.ReplicationServer")ReplServer.Initialize("")dim Projectdim Iteratordim ReplProjectdim endpointdim ReplErrorIterator = 0'Clear any error textErr.Clear'Get the projectset ReplProject = ReplServer.OpenProject("Test", 2)do while true 'Clear any error text Err.Clear if(Iterator <>-1) then endpoint = ReplProject.EnumDestination(Iterator) 'Display error message and 'Quit if empty object returned (no more instances) if IsEmpty(endpoint) then Wscript.Echo "Empty project object returned." exit do end if ReplError = Err.Number if Err.Number <> 0 then 'Display error message and quit Wscript.Echo "Error Description: " & Err.Description & "Error Number: " & Err.Number exit do end if Wscript.Echo "Destination Name: " & endpoint end ifLoop
