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The Cloud on Your Terms Part 29 of 30: How Do I Get to Hyper-V?

In today’s post we have Net/IQ talk about how do you get to the cloud.  Hopefully during this series you have wanted to hop on in and try virtualization.  Maybe you are taking a look at comparing your existing virtualization environment with Hyper-V, but how do you get there?  Well in today’s post Net/IQ gives you one possible answer to that question, with a tool called PlateSpin Migrate.

  Check out NetIQ’s post here: The Cloud on Your Terms Part 29 of 30: How Do I Get to Hyper-V?

As I mentioned in part 1 we are going to be posting the series across 4 blogs: Brian Lewis, John Weston, Kevin Remde and myself. Let us know what you think of the posts and if you think of topic let us know!

If you happen to miss a part and want to get caught up. You can find all the parts of the series here: The Cloud on Your Terms: 30 Days about the Cloud