Bytes by TechNet: Matt Hester Interviews Scott Hanselman
Again at TechEd I had a chance to interview some great folks for Bytes by TechNet. The first interview I did was with Scott Hanselman. That may seem a bit odd since Scott is a developer. However, this is an important interview to listen too following articles about us trying to turn IT Pro’s into developers. Well this interview may change your opinion of the two roles or IT Pro and Developers in your organization. Are IT Pros and Developers truly like oil and water? Not according to Scott Hanselman, Principal Program Manager. We discuss how the line between IT and development can get blurred. We share examples of how fellow IT Pros incorporate development into their scope and vice versa. If you've ever debated the relationship between IT Professionals and Developers, this is a great eye-opening interview to listen in on. Enjoy and let me know what you think!
Click here for the interview: Bytes by TechNet Interview: Scott Hanselman and Matt Hester