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How cool are you this Christmas?

I've been involved (in the wings) in a project with the Windows Live team who used DotNet Solutions and later the Silverlight team in Seattle to produce this festive Silverlight based web site that allows users to search for the favourite and worst Christmas gift ideas and rank them on a "cool wall" (similar to that used by Top Gear on the BBC).


The technology enables users to sign in using a Windows Live ID and through Windows Live Search APIs pull down images of the desired item (themed socks or a new Xbox 360). The user then drags the preferred image onto their wall, saves it and sends it onto their friends, ideally generous friends with large bank balances.

To create your very own Cool Wall, follow these 3 easy steps:

1. Point your browser of choice at MyCoolUncool. If you haven’t installed Silverlight the page will prompt you to do that and will only take a few minutes

2. Get thinking on everything cool and un-cool and search for them using the search box at the top of the web page. Mixing ludicrously expensive items with more reasonable ones heightens the chance of getting something off that list. They should be sorted into categories of “Seriously Uncool”, “Uncool”, “Cool” and “Sub-Zero”

3. In the top right of the web page select the Options drop down list and Save the Cool Wall then forward it onto all your family and friends. And in return hopefully they will create a Christmas Coolwall to give you ideas on what to buy them!

Adam Kinney has a funny interview up on Channel 10 about the project and talks about the port from 1.1 back 1.0 Silverlight

https://www.mycooluncool.com (and for those interested my Christmas Coolwall is here :-))
