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Windows Live Local Easter Egg

This was posted on the VE blog a couple days ago, but I just found out about it: https://spaces.msn.com/virtualearth/blog/cns!2BBC66E99FDCDB98!462.entry.

The way it works is as such: when looking for something in Windows Live Local, you can actually find nearby businesses of any category without having to type the name or category of what you're looking for. The logic is this: I know there's a scrapbooking store next to that Pho shop I go to, but have no clue what it's called. So, you can center your map over the Pho restaurant and search for Pho. Now, you've got your map with your Pho restaurant pinpointed. Now, do another search by writing in the What box "pinpoint_highres" without quotes. This will show all of the business listings around the center of a map - without filtering by category. Sure enough that scrapbooking store will pop up. This is a great tool if you want to see every business that is located in an entire shopping center.

I love that Vietnamese soup.
