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Good-Bye MSN Maps & Directions

It's finally over. Today marked the end of MSN Maps & Directions (US).

The days of competing with MapQuest.com on the consumer front have reached the end with the redirect of MSN Maps & Directions now forwarding to Windows Live Local. MQ did a fantastic job for the last 10 years so you have to give them some credit, but the mapping landscape is just moving at a speed to quick and nimble to play catch up months down the road. Perhaps MQ.com comes back with full-bleed maps like Windows Live Local, Google, Yahoo and now Ask.com, but will it recoup the user's trust that they are going to the right place for the coolest mapping features? A hard pill to swallow.

Well, if you still like the MSN Maps & Directions experience you can still see it running @ https://maps.msn.com/home.aspx?&redirect=false, but I'll only be going there for nostalgic reasons - a reason you may still want to go to MapQuest.com, but not for much other.
