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The Next Generation Database & Data Lake from Microsoft

Re-posted from the SQL Server blog.

Earlier today, at the Connect() event, which is livestreaming globally from New York City, we announced the next generation of Microsoft SQL Server and Azure Data Lake, as well as many other exciting new capabilities to help developers build intelligent applications.

Here's a quick recap of the key announcements:

  • The next release of SQL Server, with support for Linux & Docker (preview).
  • The release of SQL Server 2016 SP1, now offering a consistent programming model across all SQL Server editions.
  • General Availability of Azure Data Lake Analytics and Azure Data Lake Store.
  • Public preview of the DocumentDB Emulator, providing a local development experience for our blazing fast, planet-scale NoSQL.
  • General Availability of Microsoft R Server for Azure HDInsight. HDInsight is our fully managed cloud Hadoop offering, providing optimized Open Source analytic clusters for Spark, Hive, Map Reduce, HBase, Storm, and R Server, and backed up by a 99.9% SLA.
  • Public preview of Kafka for HDInsight, an enterprise-grade, cost-effective, Open Source streaming ingestion service that's easy to provision, manage and use in your real-time solutions for IoT, fraud detection, click-stream analysis, financial alerts and social analytics.

Read all about these latest developments at the original post here, or by clicking on the image below.

CIML Blog Team