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Python Notebooks in the Cortana Analytics Gallery

Posted by the Cortana Analytics Gallery Team at Microsoft

We are super excited to announce the addition of Python notebooks to the Cortana Analytics Gallery.


Jupyter notebooks (formerly IPython) provide a highly productive canvas for data scientists and developers to explore ideas. At its heart, Jupyter is a multi-lingual REPL (Read, Eval, print and Loop), where you can enter code and get a response. The response can be program output, a graph, etc. The notebook is comprised of interspersed code and markdown text for documentation purposes.

Jupyter notebooks were added as a service on Azure Machine Learning in July last year. Notebooks are integrated into Azure ML Studio, which means you can explore datasets, write code, and build models conveniently from your notebook. With this release, we have added notebooks as a new entity type in the Gallery, enabling you to use gallery notebooks as a starting point when interacting with the Azure ML service.

You will notice these new elements to our enhanced Gallery:

Landing page with notebooks in the spotlight.  CAG-Notebooks-1
Notebook details page  CAG-Notebooks-2
Inline preview on the details page  CAG-Notebooks-3
“Browse all” page for notebooks  CAG-Notebooks-4

Sample Notebooks

Here are some sample notebooks available in the Gallery:

Tutorial on Azure Machine Learning NotebookCAG-sample-1 Access Azure ML Experiment DataCAG-sample-2 Variable Selection in Azure ML Jupyter NotebookCAG-sample-3
GBM in Azure ML Jupyter NotebookCAG-sample-4 Evaluating Multiple Models CAG-sample-5 Deployment of Azure ML Web Services from Python NotebooksCAG-sample-6
Topic Discovery in Twitter Tweets CAG-sample-7 Working with Azure SQL Data Warehouse: Part 1: Loading data using Polybase and Part 2: Exploring dataCAG-sample-8

These notebooks are also available for use through the Azure ML Studio “+New” experience for notebooks:


Next Steps

Try out this new feature and let us know what you think – since this is our first iteration at notebooks, we are hoping to get tons of great feedback. Also, do let us know if you would like to see a specific kind of notebook in the Gallery. We look forward to your ideas.

Gallery Team