다음을 통해 공유

Unable to delete or disable SQL Server job due to error regarding MSX server

Have you ever run across this error before when trying to delete or disable a SQL server job (or edit one):
Cannot add, update, or delete a job (or its steps or schedules) that originated from an MSX server.

This sometimes can happen if you rename a server to another name after you have created your jobs and you try to disable a SQL job. This may be fine if you use a management server, however if you are sure you do not have a management server and you want to fix it up continue to read on.

To inspect all your job information use this command.

use msdb
select * from sysjobs

To make all your jobs, owned so to speak, by the server, issue the following command after you make reasonable precautions (backups, backups, etc): 


DECLARE @srv sysname
SET @srv = CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('ServerName') AS sysname)
select @srv
select * from sysjobs
UPDATE sysjobs SET originating_server = @srv
select * from sysjobs
