다음을 통해 공유

Voicemail Experience...

Have you noticed that voicemail systems differ in the button you need to push to "bypass" a message?

Sometimes it is a * or a # or a number...

One thing that is frustrating is when you push one of those buttons and you guess wrong....

What if you began your voicemail messages (at work and on your cell with"

"Hi, this is Joe. To skip this message, push *."

Then, go on with your message...

At this point, most of us know what to do on a voicemail and the info you are sharing isn't all that important, like ("I am not available to take your call..." which is kind of obvious.)

Maybe give your friends, customers, partners a few seconds back in their day by letting them do the one thing they want to do, leave a message, and then move on with their day?

It's not the seconds that count here, it's the thought.

And while we are on the topic of other-person centric voicemail, here's something to remember when you call someone.

(Don't call me today to check on my VM, I am going to change it tonight when I'm done traveling :-)


  • Anonymous
    August 08, 2007
    Have you noticed that voicemail systems differ in the button you need to push to "bypass" a

  • Anonymous
    September 25, 2007
    Any time you interact with someone, you have a chance to be " remarkable ." Voicemail is one of those.