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Recognizing the operating system version of a domain controller for VMM 2008

hi all,

this blog post applies to only VMM 2008 (VMM 2008 R2 or a later version of VMM do not exhibit this issue). When you use VMM 2008 to manage a set of computers in Hyper-V, and if the Virtual Machines have a windows operating system installed with the domain controller role, the name of the operating system shows up as "Unknown" in the Virtual Machine properties dialog in the Administrator Console.

To fix that, please follow these steps:

  1. First close the VMM Administrator Console
  2. Then, stop the VMMService windows service on the VMM server computer
  3. Take a FULL database backup of the VMM database [Just in case; this is a safety net in case something goes wrong]
  4. Now you are ready to add support for the domain controller computers as VMs.
  5. Install Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express on the same computer where the VMM database exists. This is a free download from Microsoft and you can search for it on Bing.
  6. Open SQL Management Studio, select the VMM database and run the SQL script below. That should enable VMM to recognize the domain controller virtual machines.
  7. Once the sql script is completed, restart the VMMService and open the Administrator Console. Refresh the VMs running a DC that had Unknown as their Operating System.


INSERT INTO dbo.tbl_IL_OS VALUES ('DBACBB4B-81F1-4E91-B2B9-DDBA5CF07A60', '64-bit edition of Windows Server 2008 Datacenter DC', '64-bit edition of Windows Server 2008 Datacenter DC', 2, 2, '6.0', 'amd64', 28, 'winLonghorn64Guest')

INSERT INTO dbo.tbl_IL_OS VALUES ('D5F73185-AC9B-4FCC-9587-936F2AC981A1', '64-bit edition of Windows Server 2008 Enterprise DC', '64-bit edition of Windows Server 2008 Enterprise DC', 1, 2, '6.0', 'amd64', 28, 'winLonghorn64Guest')

INSERT INTO dbo.tbl_IL_OS VALUES ('80193670-5BF5-4EF1-9585-A1E09919CC9A', '64-bit edition of Windows Server 2008 Standard DC', '64-bit edition of Windows Server 2008 Standard DC', 0, 2, '6.0', 'amd64', 28, 'winLonghorn64Guest')

INSERT INTO dbo.tbl_IL_OS VALUES ('7A169A4E-D186-40AC-8AE5-9885DD1891E6', 'Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition (32-bit x86) DC', 'Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition (32-bit x86) DC', 2, 2, '5.2', 'x86', 28, 'winNetDatacenterGuest')

INSERT INTO dbo.tbl_IL_OS VALUES ('B1FE3D39-49AD-4FAD-90A7-583425D94C17', 'Windows Server 2003 Datacenter x64 Edition DC', 'Windows Server 2003 Datacenter x64 Edition DC', 2, 2, '5.2', 'amd64', 28, 'winNetDatacenter64Guest')

INSERT INTO dbo.tbl_IL_OS VALUES ('018BD6F7-E153-4F20-A562-A3D90F74DD36', 'Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition (32-bit x86) DC', 'Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition (32-bit x86) DC', 1, 2, '5.2', 'x86', 63, 'winNetEnterpriseGuest')

INSERT INTO dbo.tbl_IL_OS VALUES ('9CC5A0C9-4A61-414C-BF21-A5C2E62F3CB8', 'Windows Server 2003 Enterprise x64 Edition DC', 'Windows Server 2003 Enterprise x64 Edition DC', 1, 2, '5.2', 'amd64', 60, 'winNetEnterprise64Guest')

INSERT INTO dbo.tbl_IL_OS VALUES ('8A3AA2F4-37E1-43E6-963D-AC4FE5BF9079', 'Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition (32-bit x86) DC', 'Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition (32-bit x86) DC', 0, 2, '5.2', 'x86', 63, 'winNetStandardGuest')

INSERT INTO dbo.tbl_IL_OS VALUES ('F91A2EBA-7460-435B-BD1E-08DA9E7F63CC', 'Windows Server 2003 Standard x64 Edition DC', 'Windows Server 2003 Standard x64 Edition DC', 0, 2, '5.2', 'amd64', 60, 'winNetStandard64Guest')

INSERT INTO dbo.tbl_IL_OS VALUES ('78617B77-A28E-4ADD-953F-A85C66793E67', 'Windows Server 2003 Web Edition DC', 'Windows Server 2003 Web Edition DC', 3, 2, '5.2', 'x86', 63, 'winNetWebGuest')

INSERT INTO dbo.tbl_IL_OS VALUES ('E1F6388F-DDE6-4A86-B29F-22FF7160E7AB', 'Windows Server 2008 Datacenter 32-Bit DC', 'Windows Server 2008 Datacenter 32-Bit DC', 2, 2, '6.0', 'x86', 31, 'winLonghornGuest')

INSERT INTO dbo.tbl_IL_OS VALUES ('257F4E88-16B9-476D-9E17-469B70A5D278', 'Windows Server 2008 Enterprise 32-Bit DC', 'Windows Server 2008 Enterprise 32-Bit DC', 1, 2, '6.0', 'x86', 31, 'winLonghornGuest')

INSERT INTO dbo.tbl_IL_OS VALUES ('354F53B1-A5EC-42EF-B99C-5BE5BDE23852', 'Windows Server 2008 Standard 32-Bit DC', 'Windows Server 2008 Standard 32-Bit DC', 0, 2, '6.0', 'x86', 31, 'winLonghornGuest')

INSERT INTO dbo.tbl_IL_OS VALUES ('048D777D-8B28-4CE5-A141-DE74FAC5B2D0', 'Windows Small Business Server 2003 DC', 'Windows Small Business Server 2003 DC', 4, 2, '5.2', 'x86', 51, 'winNetBusinessGuest')

INSERT INTO dbo.tbl_IL_OS VALUES ('62560DF0-069F-4B01-8700-B24D38F06A1C', 'Windows Web Server 2008 DC', 'Windows Web Server 2008 DC', 3, 2, '6.0', 'x86', 31, 'winLonghornGuest')
