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Cool Tip of the Day 51: Manage Your Own Presence Status

Microsoft® Office Communicator provides a set of personal presence

that you can customize and make available to other contacts to help
them communicate with you. As shown in the following illustrations,
presence attributes include your presence status and a personal status

To view your presence status

  • In the Contact List, click Menu > My Status. Your current presence status is indicated by a check mark.

When you are signed in, your current presence status is also displayed next to your name at the top of the Contact List.

To change your presence status

  1. In the Contact List, click Menu > My Status.
  2. Scroll to the presence status that you want others to see, and then click Select.

To block a contact

1.   In the Contact List, click the name of the contact you want to prevent from communicating with you.

2.   Click Menu > Access Levels > Blocked. You will appear as Offline to contacts that you block.


Do you have a tip or a trick to share? Send e-mail to trainuc@microsoft.com or leave a comment below.

Neeti Gupta
Product Manager, UC Technical Audience Marketing


Published Thursday, July 09, 2009 7:30 AM