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Cool Tip of the Day 31: Customize Chat Room Display

To customize Microsoft® Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Group Chat, do the following:

Select a chat room display theme

  1. Right-click a chat room in My Chat, and then click Set Display Theme.
  2. Click a theme in the Theme drop-down list, and then click OK.
  3. On the Connect menu, click Preferences.

Add/edit display themes

  1. Click Display Themes.
  2. To add a theme, click Add, and enter a name for the theme.


  1. To edit an existing theme, select the theme name. Note that editing a display theme will affect all chat rooms using that theme.
  2. Set your theme preferences, including background and message colors.

Click OK.


Set user and message options

  1. Right-click a room in My Chat, and then click Edit Chat Preferences.
  2. Specify the maximum number of messages that the chat room should display on-screen.
  3. Use
    the check boxes to specify preferences for the user name and
    participant list display and to show a message when users leave or join
    the chat room.

Click OK.


Do you have a tip or a trick to share? Send e-mail to trainuc@microsoft.com or leave a comment below.


Neeti Gupta
Product Manager, UC Technical Audience Marketing

Published Monday, June 08, 2009 2:56 PM


  • Anonymous
    December 04, 2015
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