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Cool Tip of the Day 15: Send Instant Messages

Microsoft® Office Communicator 2007 R2, you can start an instant
messaging session with a single contact, with multiple contacts, or with
a group.

Send an Instant Message
You typically start an instant messaging session by double-clicking a contact name in the Contact List.

Send an instant message
In the Contact List, double-click a contact, type a message, and then press ENTER.

Add an emoticon
Place the text cursor where you want to add the emoticon, click the emoticon button, and then select the emoticon.

Send an instant message to a group
Hold the CTRL key and select multiple contacts. Right-click the last contact, and then select Send an Instant Message or press ENTER. You can also right-click a group, then click end an Instant Message.


Do you have a tip or a trick to share? Send e-mail to trainuc@microsoft.com or leave a comment below.

Neeti Gupta
Product Manager, UC Technical Audience Marketing

Published Thursday, April 23, 2009 10:50 AM
