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Cool Tip of the Day 10: Manage Your Contacts and Contact List

Contact List is a list of co-workers, family, and friends with whom you
communicate most often. When you first install Microsoft® Office
Communicator 2007 R2, you must build your Contact List.

Search for someone

Type a person’s name or e-mail address in the Search box.

Add a person or distribution group to your Contact List

the person or distribution group’s name in the Search box, and then
drag the name from the Search Results box to the Contact List.


Add a contact outside your company

add a public instant messenger (IM) contact from AOL, Yahoo Messenger,
MSN® Messenger, or Windows LiveTM Messenger Service, or a federated
contact (a contact whose company is federated with your company), type
the person’s e-mail address in the Search box, and then drag the name
from the Search Results box to the Contact List. (To add a public IM
contact, your organization must be configured for public IM
connectivity.  Contact your system administrator for more information.)

View a contact’s Contact Card

Click the contact’s Presence button.

Create a custom group

In the Contact List, right-click a group name, select Create New Group,
type a name for the group, and then press ENTER. To add contacts to the
group, drag them from an existing group or from the Search Results box.


Do you have a tip or a trick to share? Send e-mail to trainuc@microsoft.com or leave a comment below.



Neeti Gupta
Product Manager, UC Technical Audience Marketing

Published Friday, April 03, 2009 12:04 PM


  • Anonymous
    May 24, 2012
    How may we to set a pause after a telephone number? it's to digit a code or an extension to a particular telephone... -SAL-