다음을 통해 공유

Figure out the amount of virtual memory available for the operating system

PowerShell can be used to obtain the size of the virtual address space available for the processes by the operating system.


For details about virtual memory, see the article Windows memory management.




1. Run the powershell.exe .

2. Type the following command to obtain the size of the virtual address space available to processes.



gwmi Win32_OperatingSystem | ft @{Name="MaxProcessMemorySize(TB)"; Expression={[Math]::Round( ($_.MaxProcessMemorySize *1kb) / 1Tb,2)}}

In a superior operating system Windows 8.1 or Windows Server 2012R2, the result will be 128 TB:


See you!


NOTE: A Portuguese version of this article is available at: https://blogs.msdn.com/b/luisdem/archive/2015/12/29/consultar-a-quantidade-de-mem-243-ria-virtual-disponibilizado-pelo-sistema-operacional.aspx