다음을 통해 공유

Influence Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Between Saturday, April 24th and Tuesday, April 27th members of the CRM Research and Development Team will be hosting a series of discussion groups and forward-looking research sessions at the Atlanta Convention Center for Convergence 2010. During these sessions, we will present prototypes and ideas designed to improve Microsoft Dynamics CRM; we invite you to review and critique designs and discuss your important scenarios and stories so that you can directly influence our investments in a wide array of areas. *These sessions are limited in size, so please respond early. *

Gratuity & Non-Disclosure Agreement

Participants in each Discussion Group will receive a Microsoft gratuity which will be mailed to you. We will have a list of gratuity choices available for you at the sessions. We will also ask you to sign a standard Microsoft Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) so that we can confidentially share our ideas and present our thinking.


These Microsoft Dynamics CRM Discussion Groups are open to ALL Convergence 2010 Attendees who want to learn about and influence the future of Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

Ø Partners, IT Experts, Developers – (for example) Implementation Partner, Solution Developer, IT Managers

Ø End Users – (for example) Sales Professional, Marketing Professional, Customer Service Representative

Ø Business Decision Makers – (for example) Sales Managers, Marketing Managers, Service Managers


All sessions will be in the Atlanta Convention Center and I will inform you which room when you register for one of the sessions.


Please review the session titles and RSVP directly to me (James.Johnston@microsoft.com); I will send you an email with the schedule indicating the session date(s) and time(s): Sessions will be repeated so that we can accommodate your schedules at the conference.

I will send you an email confirming your participation in the session(s) you select.

These discussions and research sessions are specifically designed to collect feedback from our customers, users, developers, and partners on our future thinking and aspirations for Microsoft Dynamics CRM. All Convergence 2010 attendees are welcome regardless of your product focus. If you are interested in learning more about Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0, our most recent CRM release, we encourage you to take advantage of the other generally available and informative Microsoft Dynamics CRM sessions which are being conducted during Convergence 2010.

Thank you, as always, for your distinctly helpful insights and constructive feedback on Microsoft Dynamics CRM. We are eager to welcome you and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM Team

TO REGISTER: CONTACT James.Johnston@microsoft.com with your preferred session time

       I. Visualizing Relationships in Microsoft Dynamics CRM

To participate: Please contact: James.Johnston@microsoft.com

· Saturday 24 April 1:30 PM – 2:45 PM

· Sunday 25 April 1:30 PM – 2:45 PM

· Monday 26 April 1:30 PM – 2:45 PM

   II. Outlook Continues: CRM Information in Outlook


To participate: Please contact: James.Johnston@microsoft.com

· Sunday 25 April 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM

· Monday 26 April 9:00 AM – 10:15 AM

III. Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Service Experience


To participate: Please contact: James.Johnston@microsoft.com

· Monday 26 April 3:00 PM – 4:15 PM

IV. Social CRM

To participate: Please contact: James.Johnston@microsoft.com

· Sunday 25 April 3:15 PM – 4:30 PM

· Monday 26 April 4:30 PM – 5:45 PM

    V. Authoring and Editing Discussion Steps (e.g., Customer Service Scripts) Using CRM Workflow

To participate: Please contact: James.Johnston@microsoft.com

· Tuesday 27 April 10:45 AM – 12:00 Noon

VI. Mobile Experiences and Scenarios

To participate: Please contact: James.Johnston@microsoft.com

· Tuesday 27 April 12:14 PM – 1:30 PM