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If its good for Scoble - its good for me:) : Employee Blog Survey Study

Michelle Heng - a post-graduate student in Information Studies at the Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) [ Yes - it the same University that I got my undergrad degree at] - mailed me yesterday talking about her work which involves studying about corporate bloggers who blog about work (amongst other things) in their personal and/or company blog - and asked me to spread the word around to my readers/fellow bloggers.

The survey is here at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s.asp?u=480441548245 and yes - Robert Scoble also got the same email - and according to Michelle has promised to link her through his blog :)

So Michelle for all the ppl who respond - I hope you will be sharing your learnings, study summary so that we understand the blogosphere as we participate in it...