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Step In Hyderabad Chapter meet



StepIn Hyderabad Chapter meet

Venue: Microsoft Campus

Date: 27th April 2009-04-29

Time: 5pm

Approximately 100 odd software professionals from the city met at Microsoft campus to attend the StepIn Hyderabad Chapter meet. Two sessions were conducted with the theme of virtualization. A short brief of the sessions below:

1. “Green Test Labs” by AB Kishore, Wipro

Virtualization and green IT initiatives are the new ways in which companies are doing business. The talk started with the need to go “Green” for test labs. The optimization hot spots of the test process were identified and various challenges in a typical SI (Service Integrators, the kind of company Wipro is) shop pointed out. Some of them are the need to be platform agnostic, test interface agnostic etc. Wipro had developed a test automation framework that was overviewed during this session. The highlights were that it has a service based model; supports open test automation and virtual scripting. The talk ended with two demos. In the first one, test execution was optimized and automated and in the second one, resources i.e. lab hardware was commissioned and decommissioned, thus increasing reusability.

2. “Improving software quality and hardware utilization by using Virtual Labs” by Vinod Malhotra, Group Program Manager, Visual Studio Team System – Lab Management, Microsoft

Among the biggest challenges in software development today are poor software quality and lack of business alignment. On digging deeper, it can be seen that developers and testers are unable to collaborate and there is overall inefficiency in the hardware utilization. Key areas for improvement identified were build automation extending to environment provisioning, build deployment and testing, increasing hardware utilization and building the tools required for developers and testers to work together.

A demo of the Visual Studio Team System Lab Management was shown where each bug could have detailed information including video of the bug, extensive logs and screen shots; managers could get accurate reporting on the status of the project and test cases could be easily automated. To the traditional build work flow of compile, deploy, run tests, Team Lab adds “Restore environment” to restore the test environment to a pristine state. This is enabled by the capability to “Take Checkpoint” of the environments while testing or during development, so you can attach those to a bug and later restore those checkpoints and debug the system.

Stay tuned to the StepIn Hyderabad chapter here https://www.stepinforum.org/index.php?option=com_magazine&Itemid=434
