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Lisätietoja SharePoint Onlinen Business Connectivity Services (BCS) -palveluista MSDN:ssä

MSDN:ssä on nyt lisätietoja Business Connectivity Services (BCS) -käytöstä Office 365:n SharePoint Onlinessa: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh412217.aspx. BCS-palvelut kuuluvat Office 365:n E-ympäristöihin.

Myös Sharepoint Onlinen -palvelukuvauksisa (https://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=13602) on nyt lisätty tietoja Business Connectivity Services -palveluista:

"Business Connectivity Services (BCS): Enable connections to external data sources via Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Web Services endpoints —in both read and write modes. These are often line-of-business (LoB) applications that sit behind your firewall, or are transitioning to the Cloud, like SQL Azure. You can create SharePoint external lists and data columns, the BDC service for WCF connectors and the Secure Store Service is partitioned at the tenant level within the SharePoint Online Administration Center. Learn more about BCS here on MSDN.

Note: BCS within SharePoint Online does not support a direct connection to SQL Azure. A WCF endpoint is required."

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