다음을 통해 공유

Getting the Most out of My Blog

Viewing Old Posts by Category

By default, this Website only displays seven (7) calendar days of blog posts. 
If you would like to read posts that have scrolled off the page, go to the CATEGORIES
section on the right hand side of the Web page and click your favorite category to
see all related posts since the beginning of blogtime.

Subscribing to Categorical Sub-feeds

If you subscribe to my blog using a newsreader (I recommend Sharpreader) and are only
interested in one particular category, you can subscribe to that category's sub-feed
by appending "categoryName=Visual%20SourceSafe" or "categoryName=Announcements" to
the end of my RSS URL, https://blogs.gotdotnet.com/korbyp/blogxbrowsing.asmx/GetRss?. 
Of course, if you're lazy like me ;-), you can simply copy the category's RSS URL
to your clipboard from the little (rss) link to the right of the category name.

Finding Sites that Refer to this Blog

Would you like to know who else is reading my blog?  You can find out
in two ways:

Read comments or;

Go to https://blogs.gotdotnet.com/korbyp/referrers.aspx.

For many good reasons, most blog owners do not provide access to their referrers page,
if one is even available.  In my case, anyone can access referrers.aspx, which
can be used in a number of ways.

As a writer, I use my referrers.aspx page to track the types of questions my users
are asking. I can ascertain these questions from Google URLs, which are embedded with
search keywords.  Two examples from today:

URL: https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=visual+sourcesafe+keyword+expansion

keywords: visual sourcesafe keyword expansion

URL: https://www.google.de/search?hl=de&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=microsoft+old+blog&btnG=Google+Suche&meta

keywords: microsoft old blog

As a software documentation writer, knowing the types of questions my readers are
asking allows me to create highly targeted blog posts AND enables me to more easily
create or improve help topics that ship with the products I support.

As a reader, you can use my referrers.aspx page to see where other readers with your
interests and needs are coming from on the Internet.  As such, you can use my
referrers.aspx to broaden your resource horizon beyond the narrow view my blog provides,
connect with other readers, and eventually discover supportive and enriching online
communities that you never knew existed.

Notes: My referrers.aspx page is refreshed every day at midnight.  Anyone who
arrives at my blog by NOT clicking on a link -- for example, running an RSS newsreader
or typing the URL directly into their browsers -- has no referring link. Such hits
show up as just a number.


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ningún derecho.
