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VS .NET documentation updated for VFP 9.0 language comparisons

In my blog post on March 13th called Recent Visual FoxPro 9.0 news, I included a link to the MSDN Library document - Keywords Compared in Different Languages - This topic lists common programming tasks that can be summarized with a language (VB, VJ#, C++, C#, JScript, and VFP) keyword.

In reviewing that content in the Visual Studio .NET documentation online, I discovered there were actually 5 sub-documents in a section called Language References which also included Visual FoxPro in the language comparisons. A few days after I posted that blog entry, I met Gordon Brown who is on the Visual Studio UE (user education) team responsible for that section of the documentation. Gordon asked me to update all the descriptions and source code references for Visual FoxPro to bring it up to date and accurate relative to Visual FoxPro 9.0. So I went through each topic and added various language syntax examples as well as source code routines and submitted it to Gordon who then update the VS.NET documentation online in the MSDN Library. Here are the links to the 5 pages updated containing new and updated Visual FoxPro 9.0 language references: