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Robert Scoble wears a Visual FoxPro 9.0 shirt on the red couch

Here is a photo of Robert Scoble sitting on the the red couch working on his Tablet PC while wearing the limited edition navy blue Visual FoxPro 9.0 polo shirt that I gave him when we met in my office last November for the Channel 9 video on VFP 9.0 interview.

Just two weeks ago I upgraded my notebook computer at work to a new Toshiba M200 Tablet PC. Over the next few weeks I plan to take some time and learn how to be productive using my new Tablet PC in tablet mode. Then I will see if I end up using it comfortably at home kicking back in my recliner chair. I've only been to Scoble's house once. If I get great at using my Tablet PC in tablet mode, I will try to have a photo taken of me using my Tablet PC on his red couch at his next party so I can look cool too - wearing one of my Visual FoxPro 9.0 shirts of course.