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Monday Mailbag – The Free Downloads Edition!

Greetings – Hilde here with a Monday Mailbag for your viewing pleasure…

In a recent mailbag, we posted about an update for KMS on Windows Server 2012 R2 for activating Windows 10. We mentioned that there was a similar update in the works for 2008 R2.

It has been released and can be downloaded for free:

If you stumbled in here looking for the 2012 R2 update, you can download it for free:

Also, with the recent release of Office 2016 (more info here and a sweet 50% off deal here ), there is a corresponding update for KMS activation of Office, too, which can be downloaded for free:

Not everyone flocked to the Surface RT but I use the heck out of mine. So do my kids, even though they have 2-in-1 laptops.

With all the hoopla around Windows 10 and Office 2016, you might have missed the news that we released a free Update for Windows RT that provides a Start menu option for that OS, as well as some other features.

The Start menu on RT is similar to the style/function of some of the early builds of Win 10. If you like the simplicity and full-screen-ness of the Start screen for your RT tablet, you still have that option.

Here are a few pictures to help guide the way …

Windows RT Start Screen – before the update:


After you’ve installed the update, you can enable the Start menu from Taskbar Properties > Start menu tab and then sign out to enable the change:



Now, you’ll boot to the desktop and can use the Windows RT Start menu:

  • “Immersive” IE can be accessed via the pinned Tile, while the desktop version of Internet Explorer 11 can be accessed via the Taskbar pin


Also, with the update, you’ll get round frames for user account pictures:



Lastly, there is some serious excitement brewing over our announcement tomorrow … check it out. I don’t know for sure but I’ve heard we’re going to announce that we’re bringing Matt Damon back from Mars:


The Ask PFE Platforms Crew