다음을 통해 공유

Will the new dog play the old tricks?!

I was confronted by an odd challenge today. A friend of mine has an old machine with 2 hard drives. Drive 1 is 12 GB and Drive 2 is 20 GB. Drive 1 was her primary drive. So her issue was that she wanted to move her data and all programs to the drive 2. Now I figured that the only way was to format drive 2, install windows and reinstall all the programs. Well, after several problems – firstly that she did not have CD-ROM and secondly that Windows XP just wouldn't install (newer version of windows found)! Luckily I stumbled across Bootdisk, which pointed me to XXClone! Cloning her drive did it! No reinstall, no hassle – in 1 hour and a bit it was all done J - Just wanted to share it with you all out there.

Office 2007 has RTMed and will hit the VL downloads by end of this month! Vista's out too. Gosh, I'm in for upgrades. I wonder if tools like XXClone will work with Vista – doubt it though.