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Windows 8 Consumer Preview available for download

Probably the worst kept secret today.  Yes the Customer Preview is available for download today. Did we slow the internet today?


Get your Windows 8 Preview here

Windows 8 Consumer Preview

It's Windows reimagined and reinvented from a solid core of Windows 7 speed and reliability. It's an all-new touch interface. It's a new Windows for new devices. And it's your chance to be one of the first to try it out.

Get it now


IT pros

See what's new

Swipe, slide, and zoom

Touch a full-powered PC. It's fast and it's fluid. Take natural, direct, hands-on control.

Apps, front and center

Apps in Windows 8 work together to get things done faster. Get them from the Windows Store.

Your Windows, everywhere

Windows 8 can connect you to your files, photos, people, and settings, wherever you sign in.

Wall-to-wall web

Internet Explorer 10 Consumer Preview brings you immersive web browsing on screens big and small.

The familiar, made better

Still devoted to your mouse and keyboard? Windows 8 makes the tried-and-true feel brand new.

The Windows Experience Blog

Read this Windows Experience Blog entry for some tips on getting started with Windows 8 Consumer Preview.

Behind the scenes

Meet the engineering team

Check out a short video for an informal look at Windows 8 from one of the teams that built it.

Building Windows 8

Get the latest news and the inside scoop on the development process from the Windows 8 engineering team blog.

The product guide

Download the Windows 8 Consumer Preview Product Guide for more in-depth, detailed info on this release.