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Where to see John in June 2012


Here is my schedule for June, looks like fun!


June 7th  Dallas New Horizons  SpecTechular  free event.  https://spectechular.com/dallas/index.html I will be doing several sessions, come check them out.

June 7th DFW IT professionals User Group 6PM at MSFT office www.dfwitprofessionals.com  I am just attending, but should be fun night!

June 8th DFW VMware User Group VMUG  https://www.vmug.com/e/in/eid=464  10 AM.  I know, but I am certified in VMware, I want to participate in this community.  Community is community.

June 11th-14th  TechEd North America Orlando  https://northamerica.msteched.com Look for me at the Community Sessions

June 21st.  Fort Worth IT Pro User Group I am presenting on Windows 8 and System Center  Hosted by New Horizon Forth Worth https://www.newhorizons.com/localweb/default.aspx?groupid=424

June 28th Abilene Association of Information Technology Professionals lunch meeting. I will be talking about Win 8,Cloud, Our Data Centers, System Center, Future of computing.  https://aitpabilene.org/