다음을 통해 공유

Where to see John in February


February 10th  www.angelbeat.com Little Rock, AR

February 13th www.angelbeat.com Dallas, TX

February 14th www.angelbeat.com Oklahoma City, OK

February 15th www.angelbeat.com Tulsa, OK


Are the only events I have booked so far, I had to back out of a couple of local community events due to schedule conflicts.

I know coming up these dates:

Dallas Cloud Fest  March 27th  www.cloudfest.org

AITP NCC March 29-31  www.aitp.org/ncc

April 4th Houston Cloud Tech Symposium   https://www.techsymposiums.com/

Microsoft Management Summit (MMS) 2012 Las Vegas April 16-20  www.mms-2012.com