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Where to see John In April 2012

April is going to be a busy month!


April 4th  Houston Cloud Tech https://www.techsymposiums.com/  to get 50% off go to https://blogs.technet.com/b/jweston/archive/2012/03/28/50-discount-to-houston-cloud-tech-april-4th.aspx

April 5th Dallas Ft. Worth IT Pro  www.dfwitprofessionals.com User Group I will be speaking in System Center 2012 and Windows 8

April 12th TechNet IT Camp Detroit, MI  www.technetevents.com to sign up (May dates in Dallas, Houston, Austin) with Brian Lewis

April 16-20  Microsoft Management Summit  Las Vegas www.mms-2012.com  My two sessions Monday April 16th https://www.mms-2012.com/topic/details/sv-b310

Deep dive Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 RemoteFX and Dynamic memory in Hyper-v   Tuesday April 17th  https://www.mms-2012.com/topic/details/FI-B328  with Harold Wong  How do deploy Microsoft Private Cloud in 1,000 tiny steps.

Also you can find me at the MMS Microsoft booth at the MVA  Microsoft Virtual Academy Monday night and Wednesday afternoon, stop by and Say Hi, learn how you can get some free cloud training at MVA.

April 26th Microsoft Live IT Time Webcast, talk with all the US ITE’s in a chat forum https://msevents.microsoft.com/CUI/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=1032503691&Culture=en-US


Then in May IT Camps coming to Texas!  These are ONE DAY camps, we are running in Houston, Dallas,  and Austin  You will see two dates in each city, this is the same content, just repeated so we can get more people in!  To register www.technetevents.com  These events are free but we expect them to fill up. All day 9-3 Breakfast and Lunch provided.

May 3 OR May 4  Houston

May 7 OR May 8 Dallas

May 10 OR May 11 Austin

I will also be doing the same thing in Cincinnati, OH on May 17th!


Want to download Microsoft Private Cloud System Center 2012  use my link https://aka.ms/syscntr

also if you follow this link https://aka.ms/20bucks you can get $20 MSFT on line store coupon if you download then take a short MVA free class!!