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11 Favorite Microsoft Moments of 2011

Generally I don’t like those Year end Review, or my favorite things of the year type post, but I ran across this today on our Microsoft Presspass.  In a big company like Microsoft, we get so focused on the daily activities we forget some of the amazing things that happened this year.  What an Amazing year 2011 has been for Microsoft!!


Here are the 11

1.Windows 8 comes Into Focus

2. Nokia Deal on Windows Phone

3. Microsoft buys Skype

4. Xbox gets TV

5. Office 365 launched globally

6. Gmail man video pokes fun

7. Google got hand slapped about pointing finger at us about Novell Patents

8. Developers see showcase on Windows Server 8

9. Bing homepage gets video, not just great pictures

10. Microsoft Names Best Place in the World to Work

11. Xbox 360 “Kinect Effect” celebrates one year.


Amazing this all was one year.  And this did nothing for our stock price Sad smile 

Here is the Link to the pictures and stories https://www.microsoft.com/presspass/features/2011/dec11/12-13YearinReview.mspx