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10 years ago today in Technology (it’s running your computer)

August 24th, 2001, do you remember the day?  A couple weeks before 9/11?  Yes August 24th, 2001, Windows XP was RTM or Released To Manufacturing!  You didn’t see it on store shelves until October 25th, but wow how time fly’s.  Yep we use to make CD’s back then.


Here is the press release from 10 years ago:  https://www.microsoft.com/presspass/press/2001/aug01/08-24winxprtmpr.mspx


Now as you read this you are probably still running Windows XP it still has a huge install base.  I hate to be the first to tell you, but you are running a 10 YEAR OLD OPERATING SYSTEM! In technology years that’s ancient.  In dog years, your PC is about 70 years old! Smile    Seriously Windows 7 has been out for more than 2 years now, it’s time.


Go read that press release from 10 years ago.   I love this quote:  "Windows XP rocks!" said Jim Allchin, group vice president of Windows at Microsoft. "Windows XP is the PC experience both home and business users have been looking for with the reliability and stability they have always wanted as well as end-to-end experiences with digital photos, digital music and communication. This is the operating system I have always wanted to build."

Yes in it’s Day 2001, Windows XP did totally Rock, it was right about the time I converted from contractor to Employee here at Microsoft.  Wow we have come a long way together in 10 years.