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UPDATED : Important update about Exchange 2010 Personal Archives support in Outlook 2007


Earlier this month we'd posted about an issue with Outlook 2007's support for Personal Archives, and that a fix has been checked in to the February 2011 Cumulative Update.

The Office team has released the Office 2007 Cumulative Update for February 2011, which includes the Outlook 2007 hotfix. The update adds Personal Archives support in Outlook 2007. For more details about the hotfix, see KBA 2475891: Description of the Office Outlook 2007 hotfix package (Outlook-x-none.msp): February 22, 2011.

You can request the hotfix from here, or by clicking the 'View and request hotfix downloads' link in the KBA. You do not require the December 2010 Cumulative Update to install this update.

Note: Office cumulative updates are packaged as separate hotfixes for each Office application. To request updates for other Office 2007 applications, see links for the application in Office 2007 Cumulative Update for February 2011.

For more details about Personal Archives support in Outlook 2007, check out the previous post: Yes Virginia, there is Exchange 2010 archive support in Outlook 2007.

Exchange 2010 documentation has been updated to reflect Outlook 2007 support for Personal Archives.


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New post on the Exchange Team Blog regarding Exchange 2010 Personal Archives support in Outlook 2007 :


Quick post to inform you that we've found an issue in Exchange 2010 Personal Archives support for Outlook 2007 in the December 2010 Cumulative Update for Office 2007, which may result in users being unable to access their archive mailbox.


Our friends in the Outlook team have been working hard to fix this. The fix has been checked-in in the February 2011 Cumulative Update for Office 2007, which will be available later this month. As with all updates, we recommend that you test them in a non-production environment before deploying them in production.


Full article at :

You Had Me At EHLO... : Important update about Exchange 2010 Personal Archives support in Outlook 2007


Kind regards,

João Ribeiro