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BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) and Microsoft Exchange Server 2010

Microsoft recognized that many customers rely on BlackBerry Servers.

This is why they collaborated already closely with RIM to add BlackBerry Support to Exchange Server 2010.

BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) is now fully supported on Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 and BlackBerry Technical Support Services are readily available.

In order to enable full support, this updates are required:

All three of these updates are available to customers of Exchange Server 2010 and BlackBerry Enterprise Server v.5.0 with Service Pack 1 at no cost. BlackBerry Enterprise Server v5.0 Service Pack 1 and Maintenance Release 1 can be found here: https://www.blackberry.com/support/downloads

Additional information on the solution requirements, preparing the BlackBerry environment for Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, can be found on the BlackBerry site here.

Taken from :BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) and Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 - WSSRA

Kind regards,

João Ribeiro