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MBV 13 is now available and fully compatible with BizTalk 2013 !

Hello to the BizTalk community !


The last time I updated that blog to provide a new version of MBV is far but it took me a while to update MBV for BizTalk 2013 and collect ideas of new queries and rules to add.

For your information, a first version of MBV 13 is already provided in the support Tools folder of BizTalk 2013 !
I worked indeed with my US peers (a big thank to Mike Shea who is BizTalk Escalation Engineer in US) to produce that new version and we collaborated with the BizTalk Product group to integrate MBV in BizTalk 2013.

A first release of MBV 13 was so sent to the Product group well before the BizTalk  2013 release and since that time we continued to update the tool with additional queries and rules, and we had to fix some queries to make MBV fullly compatible with the final version of BizTalk 2013.
It is this last version of MBV 13 which is now available on my blog, and new update of MBV should be also available in each next BizTalk CUs.


MBV 13 provides the new features below :


MBV is now fully compatible with BizTalk 2013

MBV detects the new adapters provided and the additional BizTalk version, checks the build number features specific to BizTalk 2013.

New simplified UI

The graphic version of MBV was refreshed and its main window was reorganized to be smaller and easier to use.
The interface is more "flat" than before and provides so better clarity.


The format of output files changed

MBV is generating now by default a subfolder for each collect containing HTML files (and the XML and TXT ones depending of the selected options).
The output file named "MBVOutputMAINPAGE.html" is the main file to open to start the analyse of an  MBV report and is composed of four frames : two of them present the list of the main report sections and the query categories, and the two remaining present the content of the selected section or query category.
This new format makes much more easy the analyze of an MBV report.

Additional queries and rules

Additional queries were added in MBV 13 about CUs, SQL, BAM, ESB, EDI, etc...
These queries and rules come from all the BizTalk community at Microsoft and my experience working with my own customers, but also from customers themselves who suggested me some ideas. 
You are of course welcome to contact me to suggest queries and rules if I think they are pertinent for all the BizTalk community.


You can find this new version attached in that post.



I will continue updating MBV  and its query repository,following the CUs update cycle and adding some critical rules when needed. The pertinence of MBV analyze is the key of success of that tool and comes from its queries and rules.

As usual, feel free to report me your feedbacks or submit any issues,questions or suggestions you could have about MBV.

Thanks !



Jean-Pierre Auconie
Premier Mission Critical Engineer and BizTalk Escalation Engineer
jpierauc@microsoft.com l



  • Anonymous
    May 23, 2013
    Thanks for a great product that got my Biztalk 2013 installation feel better;-)