Drive Performance Report Generator - PowerShell script using DiskSpd by Arnaud Torres
Arnaud Torres is a Senior Premier Field Engineer at Microsoft in France who sent me the PowerShell script below called "Drive Performance Report Generator".
He created the script to test a wide range of profiles in one run to allow people to build a baseline of their storage using DiskSpd.EXE.
The script is written in PowerShell v1 and was tested on a Windows Server 2008 SP2 (really!), Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows 10.
It displays results in real time, is highly documented and creates a text report which can be imported as CSV in Excel.
Thanks to Arnaud for sharing!
# Drive performance Report Generator
# by Arnaud TORRES
# Microsoft provides script, macro, and other code examples for illustration only, without warranty either expressed or implied, including but not
# limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose. This script is provided 'as is' and Microsoft does not
# guarantee that the following script, macro, or code can be used in all situations.
# Script will stress your computer CPU and storage, be sure that no critical workload is running
# Clear screen
write-host "DRIVE PERFORMANCE REPORT GENERATOR" -foregroundcolor green
write-host "Script will stress your computer CPU and storage layer (including network if applciable !), be sure that no critical workload is running" -foregroundcolor yellow
write-host "Microsoft provides script, macro, and other code examples for illustration only, without warranty either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose. This script is provided 'as is' and Microsoft does not guarantee that the following script, macro, or code can be used in all situations." -foregroundcolor darkred
" "
"Test will use all free space on drive minus 2 GB !"
"If there are less than 4 GB free test will stop"
# Disk to test
$Disk = Read-Host 'Which disk would you like to test ? (example : D:)'
# $Disk = "D:"
if ($disk.length -ne 2){"Wrong drive letter format used, please specify the drive as D:"
if ($disk.substring(1,1) -ne ":"){"Wrong drive letter format used, please specify the drive as D:"
$disk = $disk.ToUpper()
# Reset test counter
$counter = 0
# Use 1 thread / core
$Thread = "-t"+(Get-WmiObject win32_processor).NumberofCores
# Set time in seconds for each run
# 10-120s is fine
$Time = "-d1"
# Outstanding IOs
# Should be 2 times the number of disks in the RAID
# Between 8 and 16 is generally fine
$OutstandingIO = "-o16"
# Disk preparation
# Delete testfile.dat if it exists
# The test will use all free space -2GB
$IsDir = test-path -path "$Disk\TestDiskSpd"
if ($IsDir -like "False"){new-item -itemtype directory -path "$Disk\TestDiskSpd\"}
# Just a little security, in case we are working on a compressed drive ...
compact /u /s $Disk\TestDiskSpd\
$Cleaning = test-path -path "$Disk\TestDiskSpd\testfile.dat"
if ($Cleaning -eq "True")
{"Removing current testfile.dat from drive"
remove-item $Disk\TestDiskSpd\testfile.dat}
$Disks = Get-WmiObject win32_logicaldisk
$LogicalDisk = $Disks | where {$_.DeviceID -eq $Disk}
$Freespace = $LogicalDisk.freespace
$FreespaceGB = [int]($Freespace / 1073741824)
$Capacity = $freespaceGB - 2
$CapacityParameter = "-c"+$Capacity+"G"
$CapacityO = $Capacity * 1073741824
if ($FreespaceGB -lt "4")
"Not enough space on the Disk ! More than 4GB needed"
write-host " "
$Continue = Read-Host "You are about to test $Disk which has $FreespaceGB GB free, do you wan't to continue ? (Y/N) "
if ($continue -ne "y" -or $continue -ne "Y"){"Test Cancelled !!"
" "
"Initialization can take some time, we are generating a $Capacity GB file..."
" "
# Initialize outpout file
$date = get-date
# Add the tested disk and the date in the output file
"Disque $disk, $date" >> ./output.txt
# Add the headers to the output file
“Test N#, Drive, Operation, Access, Blocks, Run N#, IOPS, MB/sec, Latency ms, CPU %" >> ./output.txt
# Number of tests
# Multiply the number of loops to change this value
# By default there are : (4 blocks sizes) X (2 for read 100% and write 100%) X (2 for Sequential and Random) X (4 Runs of each)
$NumberOfTests = 64
" "
write-host "TEST RESULTS (also logged in .\output.txt)" -foregroundcolor yellow
# Begin Tests loops
# We will run the tests with 4K, 8K, 64K and 512K blocks
(4,8,64,512) | % {
$BlockParameter = ("-b"+$_+"K")
$Blocks = ("Blocks "+$_+"K")
# We will do Read tests and Write tests
(0,100) | % {
if ($_ -eq 0){$IO = "Read"}
if ($_ -eq 100){$IO = "Write"}
$WriteParameter = "-w"+$_
# We will do random and sequential IO tests
("r","si") | % {
if ($_ -eq "r"){$type = "Random"}
if ($_ -eq "si"){$type = "Sequential"}
$AccessParameter = "-"+$_
# Each run will be done 4 times
(1..4) | % {
# The test itself (finally !!)
$result = .\diskspd.exe $CapacityPArameter $Time $AccessParameter $WriteParameter $Thread $OutstandingIO $BlockParameter -h -L $Disk\TestDiskSpd\testfile.dat
# Now we will break the very verbose output of DiskSpd in a single line with the most important values
foreach ($line in $result) {if ($line -like "total:*") { $total=$line; break } }
foreach ($line in $result) {if ($line -like "avg.*") { $avg=$line; break } }
$mbps = $total.Split("|")[2].Trim()
$iops = $total.Split("|")[3].Trim()
$latency = $total.Split("|")[4].Trim()
$cpu = $avg.Split("|")[1].Trim()
$counter = $counter + 1
# A progress bar, for the fun
Write-Progress -Activity ".\diskspd.exe $CapacityPArameter $Time $AccessParameter $WriteParameter $Thread $OutstandingIO $BlockParameter -h -L $Disk\TestDiskSpd\testfile.dat" -status "Test in progress" -percentComplete ($counter / $NumberofTests * 100)
# Remove comment to check command line ".\diskspd.exe $CapacityPArameter $Time $AccessParameter $WriteParameter $Thread -$OutstandingIO $BlockParameter -h -L $Disk\TestDiskSpd\testfile.dat"
# We output the values to the text file
“Test $Counter,$Disk,$IO,$type,$Blocks,Run $_,$iops,$mbps,$latency,$cpu" >> ./output.txt
# We output a verbose format on screen
“Test $Counter, $Disk, $IO, $type, $Blocks, Run $_, $iops iops, $mbps MB/sec, $latency ms, $cpu CPU"
- Anonymous
July 06, 2015
DiskSpd.EXE can be downloaded here , as mentioned
more Infos can be found here - Anonymous
July 08, 2015
Please, put the script into - Anonymous
July 20, 2015
Hi Jose, I have a limited programming background. I copied and pasted the script into a diskspd script. I'm assuming i only need to change the drive letters at the top. But not sure if I'm doing it correctly. This is based upon the script not executing when i open it
- Anonymous
February 24, 2016
If anyone's having problems with the script, it's likely due to the quotation marks not being proper english characters. There may be other characters that are not right - i've not gone through the script yet, but i recognize problems right away with the character encoding.- Anonymous
August 09, 2018
I copied the script into notepad and used ctrl-h to replace all the double and single quotes. Then the script seemed to work. Good luck!
- Anonymous
- Anonymous