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MIX on campus - a lot of dodgy mo's around

Just finished doing a presentation with the Bronwen and John from SoulSolutions to a group of secondary school teachers in the Faculty of Information Technology at QUT - they did some rocking demos around data management in Virtual Earth and an awesome demo of Spatial Data in SQL 2008 - this is the first time I've seen anyone use this practically. They mapped data from Wi-Fi Access points around Brisbane showing coverage and black spots via polygon mapping on top of Virtual earth. I'll post some screen shots once they have them available.

So I then went and visited MIX on campus being run by Nick Ellery and I was inundated with all theses really dodgy mustaches for Movember. Check these out:

IMGP0373 IMGP0374

on the left, is Nick "Pancho" Hodge and the right is Scott "what.. this is kind of a mo" Barnes. I think Scott needs to read the rules again :)

- jorke

Technorati Tags: Soul Solution , MIX on Campus , Movember , SQL 2008 , Microsoft
