다음을 통해 공유

Tying up one loose end and starting another


In February 2008 I mentioned some extra functionality built into our "napkin math" system.  I sent the details to our technical writers and waited to see how long it would take to get the online help article at https://office.microsoft.com/en-us/onenote/HA102140621033.aspx updated.  The answer:  4 weeks.  Not too bad to get the new file localized to all the languages we support.


And my Lenovo died again.  I was remotely connected to it and my screen froze.  Looking at the tablet, I saw a pop up alert that the wireless connection had limited access.  I clicked it for details and got a blue screen of death.  And the machine won't boot anymore - not to Windows, not to safe mode, not to a command prompt.


One of the new benefits Microsoft recently rolled out was a laptop repair station.  I'll try to take this machine to them to see if there is something they can do (replace some faulty hardware most likely).  Since this is a new program, I will also track how long it takes to resolve the problem, mostly to satisfy my own curiosity.  I have no idea what to expect, but figure that if I had to return this machine to Lenovo to get it fixed, I would need about a week to ship it to them, two weeks for them to repair it and another week to ship it back.  Anything less than a month, then, seems like a nice win.  I'm just happy I had copied all my important data to some external sharepoint sites and flash memory devices.


I'll keep you posted.


Questions, comments, concerns and criticisms always welcome,
