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I've been waiting for this book for quite a while

OneNote for Dummies is available: https://www.amazon.com/OneNote-2013-Dummies-Computer-Tech/dp/1118550560/ref=sr\_1\_1?ie=UTF8\&qid=1375747240\&sr=8-1\&keywords=onenote+for+dummies

Of all the metrics to know if your application is popular, the "Dummies" series of books stands out to me.  I guess in the same way you know you are famous if comedians make jokes about you, it is gratifying to me to see this book released.  I've always like these books - I still have Dan Gookin's Dos for Dummies - and they generally provide a good overall introduction to a variety of topics.

I guess I will order a copy of this and keep it with me.  If anyone has already picked it up, let me know.

Questions, comments, concerns and criticisms always welcome,